RECORDING: Part 2 of Garment Deconstruction with Luke Haynes

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Luke Haynes - Part 2 Garment Deconstruction wksp thumbnail.png

RECORDING: Part 2 of Garment Deconstruction with Luke Haynes


Recorded on Saturday, November 15, 2020
Video duration: 2 hours and 35 minutes

In Part 2, Luke will work through 5 different quilting methods to finish the small pieces we made in Part 1. He will discuss the nuanced differences between the methods so you will have more options for your own pieces. Luke will also show you his tried-and-true binding technique which saves SO MUCH TIME! Part 2 will also be about finishing, so you will be inspired to finish that pile of tops or that project that has you a little stuck.

Within 24 hours of purchased the recording, follow the link provided to download the information that accesses the video. Access to the recording is available for up to one YEAR from the time of purchase.

$45 USD

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