RECORDING: Throwing Relaxed, Gestural Forms with Steven Hill
RECORDING: Throwing Relaxed, Gestural Forms with Steven Hill
Recorded on Saturday, October 24, 2020
Video duration: 2 hours and 3 minutes
As intermediate throwers hone their skills, they often develop an affinity for working more precisely. Precision throwing is capable of sublime beauty, but also mechanical repetition and stiff pots. As potters develop their eye, along with technical skills, they sometimes yearn to make forms that feel more organic – pots that celebrate the plasticity of wet clay.
In this workshop, Steven will demonstrate how he uses his precision- based throwing skillset to breathe organic life into his forms. By deliberate use of undulating rims, feet, and transition points, and by careful integration of both compound and simple curves into his profiles, Steven is able to create the illusion of soft pliability. Even after his pots have been fired!
Steven will throw an altered cylindrical stein, while demonstrating his alteration techniques. He will then move on to a slightly more complex pitcher form.
Steven’s friend, Jon Townley works as a set designer in computer animation and he recently introduced Steven to the concept of “shape language”. Steven will discuss how it can be used to help create a cohesive body of work.
Seeing this master potter and distinguished workshop presenter at the wheel is going to be an experience you won’t soon forget!
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$45 USD