RECORDING: Screen Printing: Set-Up and Success with David Stevens

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DS - Screen Printing - July 25, 2020 thumbnail.png
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David Stevens - rocks cup 3.jpg
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DS - Screen Printing - July 25, 2020 thumbnail.png
David Stevens - rocks cup 2.jpg
David Stevens - rocks cup 3.jpg

RECORDING: Screen Printing: Set-Up and Success with David Stevens


Recorded on Saturday, July 25, 2020
Video duration: 2 hours and 2 minutes

Join David as he walks you through his process from start to finish. His background working as a fine art printer for artists and bands from coast to coasts gives him a ton of sources and tricks that he uses to decorate his favorite pottery form: the rocks glass. The first half of the workshop focuses on using computer programs to create images to be burned onto a silk screen.
This 2-hour workshop will focus on:
- A simple approach to preparing found or original images in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop
- Technical guidelines and techniques to getting the best out of your screen-printing
- Aesthetic considerations and exceeding limitations
- Pitfalls and cautionary tales

Within 24 hours of purchased the recording, follow the link provided to download the information that accesses the video. Access to the recording is available for up to one YEAR from the time of purchase.

$45 USD

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