REC: Making a Map of the Unknown with Shannon Garson

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Shannon Garson - headshot 1.png
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REC: Making a Map of the Unknown with Shannon Garson


Recorded on Saturday, January 15, 2022
Video duration: 2 hours and 9 minutes

Many times as an artist I have faced the unknown. With the tiniest thread of inspiration I’ve started a project only to get little way in and think, “I don’t know what to do.” Fear of the unknown is a constant challenge for an artist and over the years I’ve developed a variety of techniques that help me navigate deeper into those exciting, murky waters. This workshop is about that vast interior space where art comes from. And about heaps and heaps of techniques to get your drawings onto your pots!

This workshop builds on the techniques from my previous FrankArts workshop, “Painterly Pots: Elegant Surfaces Without Using Glazes”. We talk about

developing a really useful tool I call a “Creative Framework” to develop pots from something that inspires you: i.e., a sunset, the sea, fabric patterns, a flower, a photograph, etc.

Topics include:
The role of texture and color within ceramic design How to integrate the surface with the body of the form Using negative space and working with 3D form
How patterns bounce off one another in a group

We will also be using shellac resist, advanced brushwork, sgraffito, slips, underglazes, glaze stains and our imaginations

This workshop is designed as an adventure! Expand your techniques and build your creative vocabulary, ranging from the importance of line, the true weight of volume, how to solve technical design issues, and what to do when you are at a creative dead end.

Within 24 hours of purchased the recording, follow the link provided to download the information that accesses the video. Access to the recording is available for up to one YEAR from the time of purchase.

$45 USD

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